Gonzalo Lebrija: History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible)
< All Exhibitions
Where |
Main Museum |
When |
July 15, 2021 – September 12, 2023 |
Where |
Main Museum |
When |
July 15, 2021 – September 12, 2023 |
Gonzalo Lebrija’s History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible) is being presented in the lot across from our main campus. In this piece, a car appears to defy gravity and time as if hanging suspended over a pool of liquid approximately 40 feet in diameter.
It was originally created as a performance during which Lebrija hoisted a restored car above a lake with a crane and then dropped the car into the water while filming it with a high-speed camera. Lebrija’s camera caught the moment just before the car broke the lake’s surface. The artist subsequently recreated that image as a monumental installation in a parking lot at the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver as part of the 2010 Biennial of the Americas. The car used in History of Suspended Time is a 1968 Chevy Malibu that weighs approximately 2,500 pounds.
Widely celebrated in Mexico today, Gonzalo Lebrija was born in Mexico City in 1972. His multi-media approach employs painting, photography, film, and sculpture, often combined into one exhibition or series of work, and he has exhibited extensively throughout Europe, the United States, and Latin America. Plans are underway for Lebrija to take part in one of our virtual Public Programs to discuss the installation.
En History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible) de Gonzalo Lebrija, un automóvil parece desafiar la gravedad y el tiempo, como si estuviera suspendido sobre un charco de líquido de aproximadamente 40 pies de diámetro.
Originalmente se creó como parte de un performance durante el cual Lebrija, utilizando una grúa, elevó un automóvil restaurado sobre un lago y luego lo dejó caer al agua mientras lo filmaba con una cámara de alta velocidad. La cámara de Lebrija captó el momento justo antes de que el automóvil rompiera la superficie del lago. Posteriormente, el artista recreó esa imagen como una instalación monumental en un estacionamiento en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Denver que formó parte de la Bienal de las Américas 2010. El automóvil utilizado en History of Suspended Time es un Chevy Malibu de 1968 que pesa aproximadamente 2,500 libras.
Ampliamente celebrado en México en la actualidad, Gonzalo Lebrija nació en Ciudad de México en 1972. Su enfoque multimedia emplea pintura, fotografía, cine y escultura, a menudo combinados en una exhibición o serie de obras, y su trabajo se ha exhibido extensamente en Europa, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Hay planes en marcha para la participación de Lebrija en uno de nuestros programas públicos virtuales para discutir la instalación.
Gonzalo Lebrija, History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible) ha sido prestado al Palm Springs Art Museum por Amy Harmon.
La Comisión de Arte Público de la Ciudad de Palm Springs brinda un generoso apoyo.
Apoyo adicional es proporcionado por John Frey, Amy Harmon, Yvonne y Steve Maloney, la Fundación Betty R. y Ralph Sheffer, y Leslie y Dr. Barry Usow.
Gonzalo Lebrija, History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible) has been lent to Palm Springs Art Museum by Amy Harmon.
Generous support is provided by the City of Palm Springs Public Arts Commission.
Additional Support is provided by John Frey, Amy Harmon, Yvonne & Steve Maloney, the Betty R. & Ralph Sheffer Foundation, and Leslie & Dr. Barry Usow.
This season’s exhibitions are sponsored by the Herman & Faye Sarkowsky Charitable Foundation and Yvonne & Steve* Maloney (*in memoriam).
credit: Gonzalo Lebrija, History of Suspended Time (A monument for the impossible), 2010